Photo of ramon perez barril Spain
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No one has come closer and more anointing the mystery of artistic creation that Ramón Barril. No one has seen it closer than how the miracle of plasticity, a possible equation of exchange emotions colors made ​​a glaze that is. No one has devoted more hours to watch in amazement, through a splitter feature an eye to function as a microscope, the micro-macrocosm that is a texture, the...

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See everything we offer you!
18.90 x 14.96 in
78.74 x 98.43 in
51.18 x 51.18 in
51.18 x 39.37 in
51.18 x 51.18 in
51.18 x 51.18 in
98.43 x 78.74 in

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No one has come closer and more anointing the mystery of artistic creation that Ramón Barril. No one has seen it closer than how the miracle of plasticity, a possible equation of exchange emotions colors made ​​a glaze that is. No one has devoted more hours to watch in amazement, through a splitter feature an eye to function as a microscope, the micro-macrocosm that is a texture, the prodigy defining a line arranged in a state of grace, a human exclamation made volume or color.

Nobody, therefore, more respectful to him when you first enter the church audience to sing his lyricism. That's all, respect the natural wisdom of the wise, was able to handcuff his impulses and leave for later
for now, that encounter with the public a work that is, all of it, sum and summary of the emotions he felt at that earnest approach in which no one can claim to win.

Ramón Barril, aware of the seriousness and significance of his gesture has been able to wait for the granazón its seed is assured. Only when that mysterious vibration of the subconscious has indicated, has realized that it was time to pull back the curtains, move to the footlights and slowly, surely, let hear his message. Expect him to know that, in a time of many incontinence, is a lesson.

Our artist seems to know very well that the creative impulse is quite a vital and only the sincerity of the total adaptation of the work to the psychological moment, may be obtained guarantees of sustainability. Therefore, whichever is he has undertaken, at one time or another, one way or another expression. Thus, when in its interior corridors ran the sharp breeze of the grotesque, has felt the need to paint this awesome "dinner" profane, full of keys, full of the excitement of the hysterical, painted it seemed that after the conversion expressive material an intimate master slang who participate in it. And when is a lyrical effusion, almost dreamlike, which constituted the initial impulse, the painter has launched a major emotional Plongeon to penetrate these atmospheres suggest evanescent Turner. And the evocation of that August name that brings us the words of Ruskin: "In the largest oil paintings by Turner, will not find a single piece of color has the thickness of a grain of wheat that is not qualified. " Nor, say thereupon the viewer, these oils by Ramón Barril we open the doors of mystery. And tell truth. In these "Atmospheric Research" owned not a single square inch that can not "work" independently, beyond and short of their integration into the set that is orchestrated in the box. No use flat and dull the color or volume. Absolutely everything has been thoroughly enhanced cosmic creative will dwarf is within reach of those who, like him, verticalised your life at the respectful gesture to approach the subject without it is unthinkable that the immaterial art.

We must thank Ramón Barril which, when it came, we no longer feel confident voice of its plasticity.

* * *

Miquel Angel Riera.
"Manacor", Palma de Mallorca, 1986.

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